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Space & Nature

I'm back in Japan after a whirlwind tour of the U.S. and I've already got a show to do.

What: SPACE & NATURE - group art exhibition with both Japanese and American artists
When: Sat. August 30 to Sat. Sept. 6 (Gallery is closed Tue. Sept. 2)
11:00am to 7:00pm (Opening day from 1pm, Closing day until 5pm)
***Opening Reception: Sat. August 30 from 6pm to 9pm (I'll be there from 7)***
+++I'll also be there Sun, Aug. 31, and Thur. Sept. 4th+++
Where: Gallery Kopis (Japanese)
1-2-12-1 Shirakawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0021 ph:03-5639-2381
Who: SONIC (illustrator/animator/comic artist and a good friend of mine - this is his first gallery show), Tom Clouseau (artist/humorist - a very funny and irreverent artist, worth talking to), Patrick Gannon (papercut artist/illustrator - a brilliant talent and a good friend - this is his first show in Japan), Patrik Washburn (me - illustrator/animator/cuddly artist at large), Kyoko Fujiwara (felt artist - fuzzy goodness), Kiyomi Kanyama (pen and ink illustrator - very nice stuff)

Why: I've seen some of the pieces that will be shown and there will definitely be some cool stuff there. You can expect more of a space slant from the guys and more of a nature slant from the girls, but I'll betcha there'll be some surprises. I'll be showcasing some new pieces featuring an amalgam of space and nature with a fantasy/sci-fi slant in two different styles. I'll also show (and perhaps update) some of my favorite past works that fit the theme.
I'll have posters, prints, postcards, and buttons for sale for people who want to bring something home with them, so please stop by and check us out! The reception should be a blast!

How to get there: It's actually very easy and very close to the station.
Gallery Kopis is less than a minute away from exit A3 of the Kiyosumi Shirakawa station.
Kiyosumi Shirakawa is on both the Hanzomon line and the Oedo line, is just over 20 minutes from either Shinjuku or Shibuya and is home to the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. When you arrive, go up the exit A3 stairs, go left and immediately turn left and go straight on the path. Turn right at the road and it is on the right on the corner at the end of the block.

See you there!


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