*It's a Marvel Geekout! New podcast over at Tim Young's Deconstructing Comics . We discuss Marvel's latest crossover Dark Reign and deal with some general goofiness. Other good podcasts here as well with Tim and guests. *Been animating music videos for acoustic group Kirazuki . Good stuff. here is a frame from "Elmore" by Kirazuki *Been designing undies with a retro SF motif. Funfunfun. More on this later. *Had a booth at the Tokyo Animation Fair with my Artist Army buds. *Fresh off of two art exhibitions in Ginza and Tokyo City Hall. *And I'm about to move to the country. Well, out of the city anyway. Fresh mountain air, plenty of room, and we're gonna get a doggie! *The good part about being so busy is that I'm getting more work. The bad part is that I haven't done any kind of promotion! Grrrrr! My next show isn't until May, so I should be settled in by then. I'll have my promotion plan put together by then as well. Maybe I'll even ...
Art, culture, life in Japan, and lots of talk about international comics and film.