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Dream Exhibition 2009!

Yes, friends I've been lax in keeping this sucker up-to-date, but it's because I've been busy moving! I'm no longer in Tokyo proper, but the suburb Saitama. Where I live it's a bit more sub than urb if you know what I mean. But it's nice and quiet with babbling brooks and birds singing and a view of the mountains!
And now, the first art pieces I've created in the new place will go on view from this Saturday the 16th (2009) to the following Saturday. I'll be at the Kopis Gallery on Sunday with postcards for sale. To get to the gallery, it's 20 mins from either Shibuya (Hanzomon line) or Shinjuku (Oedo line). Get out at exit A3 at the top of the stairs turn left and then take a quick left through a walkway. When you hit the street, take a right and it's on the next right corner. If you go to the dog cafe, Jolly Job, you've gone too far. The phone # of the gallery is 03-5639-2381.

I hope people can stop by on Sunday while I'm there, but if not please drop by on any other day but Mon or Tues when they are closed.

I'll have more news up soon!



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