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If you're not watching Community, here are 10 reasons to be completely ashamed

[Note: Check This $#!% Out was originally a seperate blog but is now a feature of patokon blog]

10. The music is crazy addictive.
From the opening song to Vaughn's big hit "Getting Rid of Britta" to Abed and Troy's version of "Somewhere Out There". Here's a bit from the song "Night Caps". A teaser, if you will. 
"All my boys and all my peeps. Yeah!
All my boys and all my peeps. Yeah!
All my boys and all my peeps  like to wear night caps when they go to sleep!"

And it only gets better. I already bought the soundtrack on iTunes.

9. You love Chevy Chase.
SNL. Caddyshack. National Lampoon's Vacation, Fletch. Funny Farm (yes, I said Funny Farm). He hasn't been this awesomely crazy in a long time. When he did his signature move in the Kickpuncher episode, I was so happy I peed a little. 

8. You hate Chevy Chase.
You will love hating him even more as Pierce Hawthorne, heir to the Hawthorne hand wipes fortune. He's Dallas' J.R., Lost in Space's Dr. Smith, and the Simpson's Mr. Burns all rolled up into a giant geriatric refreshingly inappropriate anti-PC mess. 
Follow Pierce's tweeted ramblings here:!/OldWhiteGuySays

7. Abed, Abed, Abed
Innocent, loveable, Spock-like genius who sees life as one series of sitcom happenings after another.
Here's a bit from Abed making a documentary about his life.
Abed: Jeff, I think you should play the role of my father.
Jeff: I don't want to be your father.
Abed: That's perfect. You already know your lines.

6. Troy the Boy played by Donald Glover (no relation)
Comedic writing and acting genius from my hometown Stone Mountain, Georgia (represent, y'all!) who is never afraid to "go there".
Troy: They're making us walk around with pretzels in our butts, and I put mustard on mine like an idiot.
Donald probably has the widest range of anyone in the cast and his Troy the only one who cries more than Chevy Chase. 

5. Troy and Abed In the Morning... and all day long
Separately, they're awesome. Together they're so much more. Even more awesome than Kickpuncher, cyborg hero whose punches have the power of kicks. The friendship these guys have is its own character that always steals the show. The first hint of their greatness is in the 'La Biblioteca' rap bit. 
Check out this roundup of their best end show moments.

4. TV & Movie homages
Whether its the stop-motion Christmas special episode, the gangster movie episode, or the  "box" episode, the writers take all the trappings of a specific genre, whittle them down to the absolute best parts and keep the funny without insulting the genre or the fans. Nowhere is this more evident than the paintball episode - the best half-hour of non-stop action ever in TV history. 
And here's a slice:

3. Geek culture done right
It's obvious that the writers have earned their geek cred. Mentioning Joss Whedon's Firefly is pretty cool in itself, but a full episode dedicated to Dungeons & Dragons! And without actually visualizing the make-believe action (unless you count Señor Chang's Drow makeup) is a definite first. Just paper, screen, books, and dice. It also showed why role-playing is a very healthy and cathartic activity. Geekudos!!

2. Annie is a hottie
A hot, hot, hot, hottie. The fact that she's serious, studious, and sincere only make her that much sexier.
To remove all doubt, here is a picture of Annie's Boobs.'s_Boobs

1. The Insanity Factor
The fact that every character has their own "crazy" thing is so genuine. I don't know anyone who doesn't. Maybe I'm just surrounded by loonies. Especially high on the insane-o-meter are The Dean and Señor Chang. The Dean, with his inappropriateness, his fetishisms (for Dalmation furries, no less), and his wild plans to put Greendale College on the map all make him the go-to guy for quick gags and even quicker exposition. He shows up and in 5 seconds you already know what the A story is (and usually, it's completely nuts). Señor Chang AKA "El Tigre Chino" is played by Ken Jeong who is so over-the-top that you never know what he'll do. He's scary at first, almost annoying, scary again, pitiful, then somehow loveable (and slightly scary). I'd watch a whole season of The Dean and Señor Chang Show rather than a single episode of most of what passes for TV these days (unlike quality shows we had back in the day like 'B.J. and the Bear'). 
Here's a taste of El Tigre Chino.


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